Here are some links to previous blogs/articles...more coming soon!
Urban futures and net zero politics: how can city visions help us achieve consensus? October 2023
Can city visions help transcend net zero politics and shape our urban future? (with Mark Tewdwr-Jones) October 2023
Sustainable Urban Systems and Urban Futures: A New Urban Science?, December 2022
Working from home: can emissions really be reduced and what are the broader implications for cities? (with Eugene Mohareb), December 2021
Reading’s Climate Emergency: no one is too small to make a difference, November 2021
How can we plan for urban futures beyond COVID-19? (with Mark Tewdwr-Jones), June 2021
Beyond COVID-19 – the importance of ‘urban futures’ thinking for our towns and cities, February 2021
What impacts are emerging from Covid-19 for urban futures?, June 2020
Reading 2050: A Vision for the Town (with Lorraine Farrelly), January 2020
Urban rooms: where people get to design their city’s future
(with Lorraine Farrelly), January 2019 -
Smart cities: top tips for mayors, Jan 2018
How research is creating a sustainable built environment for tomorrow’s world, November 2017
City Visions: Reading 2050, October 2014, BIS/GOS Future of Cities Foresight
First person: Towards a smart and sustainable future for Reading, May 2014 , Get Reading
Measuring the social sustainability of new housing developments, November 2012
The role that cities must play in reducing UK carbon emissions, March 2012, Guardian
Sustainability remains high on surveyor's agendas, despite recession, September, 2011, Guardian
Projects also need social sustainability, September 2011, Guardian (Letters)
Commuter culture, August 2006, Guardian